Archive for August, 2012
MTA Bus Time Popular With S.I. Riders
Back in October 2010 the MTA debuted Bus Time in Manhattan on the M16 & M34, the agency promised that it would be a huge hit amongst bus riders. They were so pleased with the pilot that it ended up heading to Brooklyn’s B63 in February 2011. Last July, the agency announced it would be […]
Officals Want MTA Tax Repealed For Colleges
The much maligned MTA Payroll Tax is back in the news again. The tax which was created in 2009 as part of a $2.3 billion state bailout for the transit agency has never been popular with masses. When it first debuted, many businesses & counties themselves rallied against it & even sued questioning the constitutionality […]
Subway Riders Enjoying Cell & Wi-Fi Service
Over the last few years, Transit Wireless has made the news as the company’s main goal was to make cell phone service available at all NYC Subway stations. The company rolled out a pilot last September which saw it bring service to 6 subway stations in Manhattan. More recently the company also bring Wi-Fi to […]
Service Diversions 08-06-12
I have just updated the Service Diversions by removing all of the work that wrapped up a minute ago. The latest work for the week is front & center. As always if I see anything interesting or noteworthy, I will tweet about it so follow @TransitBlogger which you can easily do by clicking the button […]
Judge Orders MTA Pay $1.9M For Bus Death
On November 4, 2009, Seth Kahn lost his life after being struck by an MTA Express Bus while crossing the street at Ninth Ave & 53rd St. He met his inevitable demise at the hands of someone who arguably should not have even been on the road. Over 2 years later, a judge has ordered […]