The Point Is Again?

Not too long ago I read about the MTA’s plans to modify the R62A’s that are on the 7 line. The modification called for the installation of small LED signs that would display “LCL” or “EXP” to answer the infamous question asked at stops along the 7 for years! The problem is what exactly is the point to this again?

The idea that these little signs will lower the number of times the infamous question is asked is idiotic. Most who ask the question either can’t read signs because they are English, are in their own world listening to music, reading a book, etc…. So tell me once again why these signs would be any different from the current ways of telling which train is which? In my opinion the signs & use of the circle & diamond 7 are more than enough to differentiate the two services. Unfortunately many of the 7 riders seem to not be able to grasp simple concepts. One could argue that this is no surprise since many immigrants live along the line with a majority being illegal.

So once again an agency must endure costs because people can’t or understand how to listen or read in English. This is the kind of shit that pisses me off the more I think about it. I’m so sick of immigrants both legal & illegal taking up our valuable space while refusing to grasp our language. The MTA has enough issues to work with especially financially for them to install LED signs for people who refuse to adapt to our native language in our country!

For those interested in pictures you can view them in a couple of threads on Subchat. Here are two threads which contain pictures of the signs in action: Link 1 & Link 2

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