D Train Continues To Be Below Average
205th St. bound D train approaching Bay 50th St. station. Resized photo courtesy of Eye On Transit
To be honest, I have asked myself why I bother with these Rider Report Cards. Don’t get me wrong, I like to see what the grades are & offer an analysis on the entire report card. However if the results will continue to be the same year after year, I will have to consider not covering them as much. So with that in mind, it should come as no surprise that the earned the same exact grade it did in 2007, a C-. Lets go straight to the breakdown:
D Train Riders’ Top 10 Priorities; 2007 priority rank will be in ( ):
01. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 1 )
02. Minimal delays during trips ( 2 )
03. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 3 )
04. Cleanliness of stations ( 6 )
05. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 4 )
06. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 5 )
07. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 9 )
08. Sense of security in stations ( 8 )
09. Sense of security on trains ( 7 )
10. Working elevators and escalators in stations ( 12 )
Now here is the entire order of D train riders’ priorities. 2007 priority rank in ( ):
01. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 1 )
02. Minimal delays during trips ( 2 )
03. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 3 )
04. Cleanliness of stations ( 6 )
05. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 4 )
06. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 5 )
07. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 9 )
08. Sense of security in stations ( 8 )
09. Sense of security on trains ( 7 )
10. Working elevators and escalators in stations ( 12 )
11. Comfortable temperature in subway cars ( 10 )
12. Station announcements that are informative ( 11 )
13. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel ( 13 )
14. Train announcements that are informative ( 14 )
15. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars ( 15 )
16. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines ( 16 )
17. Ease of use of subway turnstiles ( 18 )
18. Signs in stations that help riders find their way ( 19 )
19. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way ( 17 )
20. Lack of graffiti in subway cars ( 20 )
21. Lack of graffiti in stations ( 21 )
Click here for the breakdown of votes for this category.
Now here is the graded breakdown for all 21 categories; 2007 grade in ( ):
01. Minimal delays during trips C- (C-)
02. Reasonable wait times for trains C- (C-)
03. Adequate room on board at rush hour D+ (D+)
04. Sense of security in stations C (C)
05. Sense of security on trains C (C-)
06. Working elevators and escalators in stations C- (C-)
07. Signs in stations that help riders find their way C+ (C+)
08. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way C (C)
09. Cleanliness of stations D+ (D+)
10. Cleanliness of subway cars C- (C-)
11. Station announcements that are easy to hear D+ (D)
12. Station announcements that are informative D+ (D+)
13. Train announcements that are easy to hear D+ (D+)
14. Train announcements that are informative D+ (D+)
15. Lack of graffiti in stations C (C)
16. Lack of graffiti in subway cars C (C+)
17. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars C- (C-)
18. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel C (C)
19. Comfortable temperature in subway cars C (C)
20. Ease of use of subway turnstiles C+ (B-)
21. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines B- (B-)
Click here for the breakdown of votes for this category.
Quite honestly, I will use the same exact opening paragraph from my analysis last year which stated:
I think that the D riders nailed this report card with deadly precision. I have used the D a lot over the years & always felt it needed a lot of improvement. The biggest issues I always had with the line were the wait times & having adequate room on board at just about any time of the day. To be honest, choice #3 in the priority list could easily be #1 & I am sure many would agree.
These words still ring true as not much as changed from 2007 to 2008. As far as the #2 & 3 priorities are concerned, you could make a fair argument that any of them were strong enough to be #1. These issues have been plaguing the line for quite some time now.
As far as the rest of the top 10 goes, it once again is not a good sign to see cleanliness concerns move up the list. I also am concerned about seeing concerns of working escalators & elevators climbing into the top 10. This is a concern that should be looked into as soon as possible.
In terms of overall grades, I consider them to be on point. My only issue is the first 3 priorities deserved a D- or lower. The first 2 do not deserve anything close to an average score. In the end, it was more of the same from the which comes as to no surprise to me nor should it you.
xoxo Transit Blogger
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The 3 Sings The Same Tune
3 train pulling into the New Lots Avenue terminal. Resized photo courtesy of Eye On Transit.
Surprise surprise, yet another line displayed a repeat performance in regards to their Rider Report Card grade. This time the culprit is the train which once again earned a C-, the same grade it earned in 2007. Lets get straight to the breakdown:
3 Train Riders’ Top 10 Priorities; 2007 priority rank will be in ( ):
01. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 1 )
02. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 2 )
03. Minimal delays during trips ( 3 )
04. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 5 )
05. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 4 )
06. Cleanliness of stations ( 8 )
07. Sense of security on trains ( 7 )
08. Sense of security in stations ( 6 )
09. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 11 )
10. Comfortable temperature in subway cars ( 10 )
Now here is the entire order of 3 train riders’ priorities. 2007 rank in ( ):
01. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 1 )
02. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 2 )
03. Minimal delays during trips ( 3 )
04. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 5 )
05. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 4 )
06. Cleanliness of stations ( 8 )
07. Sense of security on trains ( 7 )
08. Sense of security in stations ( 6 )
09. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 11 )
10. Comfortable temperature in subway cars ( 10 )
11. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel ( 14 )
12. Station announcements that are informative ( 9 )
13. Working elevators and escalators in stations ( 13 )
14. Train announcements that are informative ( 12 )
15. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines ( 15 )
16. Ease of use of subway turnstiles ( 18 )
17. Signs in stations that help riders find their way ( 16 )
18. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way ( 19 )
19. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars ( 17 )
20. Lack of graffiti in stations ( 21 )
21. Lack of graffiti in subway cars ( 20 )
Click here for the breakdown of votes for this category.
Now here is the graded breakdown for all 21 categories; 2007 grade in ( ):
01. Minimal delays during trips C- (C-)
02. Reasonable wait times for trains C- (C-)
03. Adequate room on board at rush hour D+ (D+)
04. Sense of security in stations C (C-)
05. Sense of security on trains C- (C-)
06. Working elevators and escalators in stations C- (C-)
07. Signs in stations that help riders find their way C+ (C+)
08. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way C+ (C)
09. Cleanliness of stations C- (C-)
10. Cleanliness of subway cars C (C)
11. Station announcements that are easy to hear D (D)
12. Station announcements that are informative D+ (D+)
13. Train announcements that are easy to hear D+ (D+)
14. Train announcements that are informative C- (D+)
15. Lack of graffiti in stations C+ (C+)
16. Lack of graffiti in subway cars C+ (C+)
17. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars C (C)
18. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel C (C)
19. Comfortable temperature in subway cars C (C)
20. Ease of use of subway turnstiles B- (C+)
21. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines B- (B-)
Click here for the breakdown of votes for this category.
The amount of responders was down by 38 people but the results were fairly identical. The top 3 issues causing issues for straphangers reared their ugly heads. Although I will say this in the defense of the “Adequate room on board at rush hour” category. If I am to get a seat on any 7th Ave line in Manhattan during the rush hour, it would be the 3 without question. I am not saying the 3 is empty but the crowding is visibly lighter compared to the &
. This is especially the case going uptown as most riders are going to Upper Manhattan or the Bronx.
The rest of the top 10 looks fairly identical minus the station announcements category as that fell out of the top 10 for 2008. If any of the top 10 priorities were to cause an alarm, it would be the rise of a lack of cleanliness. We all know the system is not in a good state of cleanliness. However with that in mind, it is not encouraging to see people noticing that state becoming worse.
Overall, I do not see anything I can really disagree with grade wise outside of what I mentioned. I think the straphangers did a solid job in rating this line & kudos to them for that.
xoxo Transit Blogger
You might enjoy reading these related entries:- L Train Rider Report Card Breakdown
- (Q)uincy Will Still Hope To “C” Better Days
- Staten Island Railway Is No Different
- Riders Say The C Is Just Below Average
- So That’s Where You Have Been Hiding
The E Continues To Be Far From Excellent
E train layup at the Kew Gardens-Union Tpke. station. Resized photo courtesy of Eye On Transit.
The has once again showed it is far from excellent in terms of overall service & performance. The line finished with a D+ as part of the 2008 Rider Report Cards. This was the same exact grade from the initial Rider Report Cards back in 2007. Lets get straight to the breakdown:
E Train Riders’ Top 10 Priorities; 2007 priority rank will be in ( ):
01. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 1 )
02. Minimal delays during trips ( 2 )
03. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 3 )
04. Comfortable temperature in subway cars ( 5 )
05. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 4 )
06. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 6 )
07. Cleanliness of stations ( 8 )
08. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 7 )
09. Working elevators and escalators in stations ( 10 )
10. Sense of security on trains ( 9 )
Now here is the entire order of E train riders’ priorities. 2007 rank will be in ( ):
01. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 1 )
02. Minimal delays during trips ( 2 )
03. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 3 )
04. Comfortable temperature in subway cars ( 5 )
05. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 4 )
06. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 6 )
07. Cleanliness of stations ( 8 )
08. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 7 )
09. Working elevators and escalators in stations ( 10 )
10. Sense of security on trains ( 9 )
11. Sense of security in stations ( 11 )
12. Station announcements that are informative ( 12 )
13. Train announcements that are informative ( 13 )
14. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel ( 14 )
15. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines ( 16 )
16. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars ( 15 )
17. Ease of use of subway turnstiles ( 17 )
18. Signs in stations that help riders find their way ( 18 )
19. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way ( 19 )
20. Lack of graffiti in subway cars ( 20 )
21. Lack of graffiti in stations ( 21 )
Click here for the breakdown of votes in this section.
Now here is the graded breakdown for all 21 categories; 2007 grade in ( ):
01. Minimal delays during trips C- (C-)
02. Reasonable wait times for trains C- (C-)
03. Adequate room on board at rush hour D- (D)
04. Sense of security in stations C (C)
05. Sense of security on trains C- (C-)
06. Working elevators and escalators in stations C- (D+)
07. Signs in stations that help riders find their way C (C)
08. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way C (C-)
09. Cleanliness of stations D+ (D+)
10. Cleanliness of subway cars D+ (D+)
11. Station announcements that are easy to hear D (D)
12. Station announcements that are informative D+ (D)
13. Train announcements that are easy to hear D (D)
14. Train announcements that are informative D+ (D+)
15. Lack of graffiti in stations C+ (C+)
16. Lack of graffiti in subway cars C (C)
17. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars C- (C-)
18. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel C (C-)
19. Comfortable temperature in subway cars D+ (C-)
20. Ease of use of subway turnstiles C+ (C+)
21. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines B- (B-)
Click here for the breakdown of votes in this section.
As with previous report card results from 2008, not much as changed in terms of year to year performance. In regards to the E, the grade is justified considering the song has remained the same. Although the amount of responders dropped by 1,790 people, the main complaints are still in place. The E is packed like a can of sardines, the trips have delays, & the wait times can be an issue. This is especially the case in rush hour when many times you have to let 1 or 2 trains go before you can squeeze into one.
When looking past the top 3 priorities, the story is pretty much identical from the initial results. The same priorities occupy the top 10 slots & pretty much in the same exact order. This can only be looked at as a huge negative. However on the flip side, what did you really expect? It is not like they can just add more trains along the Queens Blvd corridor as it is bursting at the seams as it is. The fact that a few of the areas that the line serves in Queens are desirable does not help in terms of overall ridership.
As far as the individual grades go, I feel most were on point. My main issue would be the top 2 priorities not grading out lower. In my honest opinion, those two categories deserved a D- each respectively. As I mentioned, the crowding on the line is horrible especially during rush hour. I have lost count of how many times I was forced to let 1-2 trains go by before I could get on. The most frustrating thing with the E is that even outside of rush hour, the crowding can be really bad. While many other lines die down a bit, the E seems to stay steady for all the wrong reasons during non-peak travel times.
In the end, the results will be similar for years to come. The line’s capacity is not going to magically increase or will the crowds die down. So if you are a daily rider of the E, I say get used to this being the norm. I would love to paint a pretty picture for you but I am a realist.
xoxo Transit Blogger
You might enjoy reading these related entries:- (Q)uincy Will Still Hope To “C” Better Days
- Riders Say The C Is Just Below Average
- The 1 Is Still Not #1
- L Train Rider Report Card Breakdown
- So That’s Where You Have Been Hiding
Boring Machine Lowered For 7 Line Extension
Four days ago the MTA & NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg were on hand to watch the lowering of the first boring machine to be used on the ‘s west side extension. The MTA issued a press release about the events via e-mail:
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Executive Director and CEO Elliot G. Sander and Mayor Michael Bloomberg were on hand today as a 100-ton tunnel boring machine (TBM) was lowered under 11th Avenue marking the start of excavation work for the 7 line subway extension project. The $2.1 billion project, funded by the City and managed by the MTA, will help transform the Hudson Yards vicinity into a vibrant 24-hour neighborhood, containing a mix of commercial, residential, retail, open space and recreational uses. Sander was also joined by MTA Capital Construction President Dr. Michael Horodniceanu, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, Deputy Mayor Robert Lieber, and Hudson Yards Development Corporation President Ann Weisbrod.
Governor David Paterson said: “Today we have taken another step forward in updating New York City’s aging infrastructure to meet the needs of a twenty-first century metropolis. By extending the Number 7 line to 34th Street and 11th Avenue, we are introducing a vital lifeline to one of our city’s least developed areas. As we fight to restore confidence and prosperity in the markets, it is crucial that we promote the economic potential of the new Far West Side.”
“As we prepare our next Capital Plan, this project shows that with stable funding in place, we can build monumental works that will serve generations of New Yorkers,” said MTA Executive Director Sander. “We are deeply grateful for Mayor Bloomberg’s steadfast commitment to this project, and we appreciate and share his understanding of the important role that transportation will play in catalyzing the development of the Far West Side.’
“Today, we’re beginning the next and most dramatic phase of the extension of the 7 subway line,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “By digging these tunnels, we are expanding our subway network into an entirely new area of the City – Manhattan’s Far West Side. It’s these major, long-term investments in infrastructure that will transform areas full of promise into neighborhoods full of residents, park-goers, office workers and shoppers.”
“We are extremely pleased with the progress and pace of this contract,” said MTA Capital Construction President Dr. Michael Horodniceanu. “While this work proceeds, we are looking at packaging the contracts for the follow-on work which includes station entrances and finishes, as well as support facilities such as ventilation and traction power substations.”
The piece of the TBM lowered today near the intersection of 25th Street and 11th Avenue, known as the “cutter head,” has forty-four rotating discs that will drill a tunnel to Times Square. During the project, two TBMs will excavate two, 7,100 foot-long tunnels.
The 7 line would extend from the intersection of West 41st Street and Eighth Avenue, west under 41st Street, and turn south under 11th Avenue. A new terminal station would be located at 34th Street and 11th Avenue, allowing convenient access to the adjacent development, and Convention Center. Additional storage tracks would be provided beyond the terminal station, and the subway structure would terminate at the site of today’s event. Modification to the MTA’s Corona Yard would be required to help provide storage for the additional trains necessitated by the extension of the 7 line.
The TBMs were tested by the manufacturer, Herrenknecht AG at its workshop in Schwanau, Germany last November and then disassembled for delivery in three separate shipments by boat. The first shipment arrived in early January, the second in early February and the third is scheduled to arrive later this month. Once on site, the individual components of the machines will be lowered into the launch chamber where they will be assembled. The 22-foot diameter cutter head lowered today, consisting of three components, was bolted and welded at the site prior to being lowered into the chamber.
It will take approximately two months to assemble each machine, with the first one scheduled to begin excavating toward the end of April. The second TBM will launch approximately one month later, in mid-May. The excavation will run under the 8th Avenue Subway Line, Amtrak/NJT tunnels to the west, Amtrak tunnels to the former New York Central Line going north, the Port Authority Lincoln Tunnels and the Port Authority Bus Terminal and ramps. Both TBMs are scheduled to finish the required excavation in the Spring of 2010, at which time the follow-on work will begin, with the new service opening in December 2013.
Each TBM will place pre-cast concrete lining rings, 1,890 in total, along the tunnel as it excavates. The lining rings make up the permanent liner of the finished tunnel. In addition, the crushed rock, a by-product of the excavation known as muck, will be carried via a conveyor belt system from the cutter head to the back of the TBM where it will be loaded onto muck cars. The cars will transport the muck back to the launch shaft, using a temporary rail system installed in the tunnels, where another conveyor belt will carry it to the surface.
While work progressed in creating the TBM assembly chamber, the station cavern underneath 34th Street and 11th Avenue was also being mined using controlled drill-and-blast. Station cavern excavation continues and will be completed by September 2009 in time for the TBMs to reach the mined cavern where they will be “walked” through to begin the next leg of their excavation journey.
“It’s quite a milestone to be able to witness – literally, through steel blades and concrete – the progress of this major project,” said Congressman Nadler. “This tunnel boring machine represents jobs and major infrastructure development for New York City, something we could definitely use a lot more of.”
“Part of confronting the economic crisis on the local level is to make sure that we continue to build the critically important infrastructure projects in the face of these challenges. Continuing the construction of the 7 line is one of those projects because it will allow development to get started as soon as the economy turns the corner,” said Speaker Quinn. “The 7 Line will not only open up the Hudson Yards and get us moving on the road to recovery—it will open up one of the last great frontiers on the island of Manhattan.”
In December 2007, a $1.14 billion contract was awarded to S3II Tunnel Constructors –a joint venture of J.F. Shea Construction, Inc., SKANSKA USA Civil Northeast, Inc., and Schiavone Construction Co., Inc. – to construct the running tunnels and station cavern at 34th Street.
The 7 line extension will introduce subway service to an emerging mixed-use community in Midtown West, fostering transit oriented development in one of Manhattan’s most underserved and underdeveloped areas. The City created two local development corporations, the Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation (HYIC), which is contributing $2.1 billion to the project, and the Hudson Yards Development Corporation (HYDC), which oversees planning and development in the Hudson Yards on behalf of the City. In January of 2005, the City Council approved the Bloomberg Administration’s plan for re-zoning the Hudson Yards area.
Quite frankly I do not share the same excitement about this project that the MTA does. The project is not the most important one that needs to be worked on. The MTA & NYC are at odds on the most useful aspect of the project which would be the Hells Kitchen stop at 41st& 11th Ave. What is even funnier is the press release touting the Hudson Rail Yards area. This is hilarious considering the deal to develop that area is facing a delay in being finalized. So who knows what will become of that. It is one thing to be excited about a project & something completely different to try & sell it through a load of bs. I feel the latter came into play with this release.
xoxo Transit Bogger
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NYC Comptroller Debuts Service Cuts System
Five days ago New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson unveiled an online chart and map system to helo showcase the potential “draconian” service cuts we might face. Let me start by sharing the press release issued for the new feature:
New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr. today unveiled an on-line chart and map system to help transit users understand the potential impacts of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) proposed service cuts.
“The MTA has proposed drastic service cuts and a huge fare hike of 23% — both of which would severely burden New Yorkers,” Thompson said. “My office has created a chart and mapping system that allows New Yorkers to see exactly how the MTA’s proposed service cuts would affect their subway and bus lines.”
Thompson’s system, which can be accessed at www.comptroller.nyc.gov, allows users to input a ZIP code to see a table and map of what the 318 proposed MTA cuts would mean to their neighborhoods. Users also can search by subway line or bus route to see a table of the proposed cuts.
The service cut site also includes an easy-to-use sharing feature where New Yorkers can invite others to use the system to see how their transit service will be affected, either with a direct e-mail or by posting it on their Facebook or other social networking page.
“The more informed New Yorkers are about the MTA’s proposed cuts, the better they can communicate to their representatives in Albany about why they should be prevented,” Thompson said.
The system also links to KeepNewYorkMoving.com, a site where riders can urge State legislators to fund transit.
In December 2008, the MTA announced a $1.2 billion deficit and proposed closing the gap with a 23% fare hike and major service cuts. The MTA’s proposed cuts to New York City’s subways and buses would increase crowding and passenger waiting times, and in many cases, cut service completely.
Among the subway cuts proposed are the elimination of the W and Z lines and portions of the M and G; fewer trains during mid-days, weekends, evenings and late nights; and a loss of 211 station booths or customer agents. Five stations would lose late-night train service altogether. A total of 56 bus lines would lose service on weekdays or weekends, with other service reductions on another 29.
Thompson’s alternative to the MTA’s proposal is a weight-based vehicle annual registration fee of $100 for vehicles of 2,300 pounds or less, plus 9 cents for every pound over that. Coupled with the reinstatement of the commuter tax or a payroll tax, this plan would generate almost $2 billion a year for transit.
Currently, State legislators are considering recommendations by the Ravitch Commission to fund transit, along with other proposals including Thompson’s. The MTA has said it needs an influx of funds no later than March 25th, or it will have to move ahead with the hikes and cuts.
Thompson also has called on City Hall to block the proposed increase in Access-A-Ride paratransit fares from $2 to as much as $5 per trip, an increase of 150%. The City can block the increase according to a 1993 Memorandum of Understanding between the MTA and the City that Thompson discovered late last year.
Click here for the direct link to the online system.
I decided to give the system a quick test run. I have to say I am a bit disappointed at some of the mistakes I noticed with it. I plugged in a few zip codes including one I lived in for almost 3 years & the information was not 100% accurate. If you are aiming to make a statement with any sort of new project or idea, it is vital to have 100% accuracy in terms of the information given. When one does not have this, it makes their statement or initiative fall flat.
xoxo Transit Blogger
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