You Fucking Idiot!

Yes, I’m breaking out the vulgar language for this entry! I feel I am quite justified in doing so. This little story took place on Tuesday in midtown.

I was meeting a guy from Craig’s List to take a look at a mp3 player. I enjoyed my current player but was worried about some battery charging issues. I noticed that if the adapter was moved, it would stop charging. I found out the hard way a few times when I was stuck outside with no music!

So I am meeting the man in the lobby of where he worked. I get off the E at 7th Ave & was walking up the first set of stairs. The common rule with the staircase is to stay to your right. I’m doing just that when I noticed a few people approaching the staircase.

One of the people approaching was a tall guy in a business suit. He clearly saw me coming up the stairs as he approached to come down. Instead of keeping to his right like everyone else did, he decides to stay to his left. We were one step from crashing into each other.

He finally ducked to his right as he saw I wasn’t moving out of the way. I could tell he was annoyed that I didn’t move. I stood my ground & as I walked by, I called him a fucking idiot which is exactly what he is!

Oh by the way if you were wondering, I purchased the mp3 player. I am happy to have another Creative mp3 player as they make the best ones! Don’t get suckered in on the over hyped I-Pod!

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