The 3 Sings The Same Tune
3 train pulling into the New Lots Avenue terminal. Resized photo courtesy of Eye On Transit.
Surprise surprise, yet another line displayed a repeat performance in regards to their Rider Report Card grade. This time the culprit is the train which once again earned a C-, the same grade it earned in 2007. Lets get straight to the breakdown:
3 Train Riders’ Top 10 Priorities; 2007 priority rank will be in ( ):
01. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 1 )
02. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 2 )
03. Minimal delays during trips ( 3 )
04. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 5 )
05. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 4 )
06. Cleanliness of stations ( 8 )
07. Sense of security on trains ( 7 )
08. Sense of security in stations ( 6 )
09. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 11 )
10. Comfortable temperature in subway cars ( 10 )
Now here is the entire order of 3 train riders’ priorities. 2007 rank in ( ):
01. Reasonable wait times for trains ( 1 )
02. Adequate room on board at rush hour ( 2 )
03. Minimal delays during trips ( 3 )
04. Station announcements that are easy to hear ( 5 )
05. Train announcements that are easy to hear ( 4 )
06. Cleanliness of stations ( 8 )
07. Sense of security on trains ( 7 )
08. Sense of security in stations ( 6 )
09. Cleanliness of subway cars ( 11 )
10. Comfortable temperature in subway cars ( 10 )
11. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel ( 14 )
12. Station announcements that are informative ( 9 )
13. Working elevators and escalators in stations ( 13 )
14. Train announcements that are informative ( 12 )
15. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines ( 15 )
16. Ease of use of subway turnstiles ( 18 )
17. Signs in stations that help riders find their way ( 16 )
18. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way ( 19 )
19. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars ( 17 )
20. Lack of graffiti in stations ( 21 )
21. Lack of graffiti in subway cars ( 20 )
Click here for the breakdown of votes for this category.
Now here is the graded breakdown for all 21 categories; 2007 grade in ( ):
01. Minimal delays during trips C- (C-)
02. Reasonable wait times for trains C- (C-)
03. Adequate room on board at rush hour D+ (D+)
04. Sense of security in stations C (C-)
05. Sense of security on trains C- (C-)
06. Working elevators and escalators in stations C- (C-)
07. Signs in stations that help riders find their way C+ (C+)
08. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way C+ (C)
09. Cleanliness of stations C- (C-)
10. Cleanliness of subway cars C (C)
11. Station announcements that are easy to hear D (D)
12. Station announcements that are informative D+ (D+)
13. Train announcements that are easy to hear D+ (D+)
14. Train announcements that are informative C- (D+)
15. Lack of graffiti in stations C+ (C+)
16. Lack of graffiti in subway cars C+ (C+)
17. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars C (C)
18. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel C (C)
19. Comfortable temperature in subway cars C (C)
20. Ease of use of subway turnstiles B- (C+)
21. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines B- (B-)
Click here for the breakdown of votes for this category.
The amount of responders was down by 38 people but the results were fairly identical. The top 3 issues causing issues for straphangers reared their ugly heads. Although I will say this in the defense of the “Adequate room on board at rush hour” category. If I am to get a seat on any 7th Ave line in Manhattan during the rush hour, it would be the 3 without question. I am not saying the 3 is empty but the crowding is visibly lighter compared to the &
. This is especially the case going uptown as most riders are going to Upper Manhattan or the Bronx.
The rest of the top 10 looks fairly identical minus the station announcements category as that fell out of the top 10 for 2008. If any of the top 10 priorities were to cause an alarm, it would be the rise of a lack of cleanliness. We all know the system is not in a good state of cleanliness. However with that in mind, it is not encouraging to see people noticing that state becoming worse.
Overall, I do not see anything I can really disagree with grade wise outside of what I mentioned. I think the straphangers did a solid job in rating this line & kudos to them for that.
xoxo Transit Blogger
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