4 Train Results Tell The Same Story
Woodlawn bound 4 train approaching the 161 Street-Yankee Stadium station. Resized photo courtesy of Eye On Transit.
Many things have happened over the last year. However one that that did not happen was an improved grade for the train in the Rider Report Cards. The
which finished with a C last year followed up that average performance by finishing below average this year in earning a C-. What is even more disturbing is the total voter turnout which dropped by over 1200. Now onto the complete breakdown. Let me start with the:
4 Train Riders’ Top 10 Priorities; 2007 priority rank will be in ( ):
01. Adequate room on board at rush hour (1)
02. Minimal delays during trips (2)
03. Reasonable wait times for trains (3)
04. Station announcements that are easy to hear (4)
05. Cleanliness of stations (6)
06. Sense of security on trains (5)
07. Sense of security in stations (7)
08. Train announcements that are easy to hear (8)
09. Cleanliness of subway cars (13)
10. Comfortable temperature in subway cars (10)
Now here is the entire order of 4 train riders’ priorities:
01. Adequate room on board at rush hour
02. Minimal delays during trips
03. Reasonable wait times for trains
04. Station announcements that are easy to hear
05. Cleanliness of stations
06. Sense of security on trains
07. Sense of security in stations
08. Train announcements that are easy to hear
09. Cleanliness of subway cars
10. Comfortable temperature in subway cars
11. Station announcements that are informative
12. Working elevators and escalators in stations
13. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel
14. Train announcements that are informative
15. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines
16. Ease of use of subway turnstiles
17. Signs in stations that help riders find their way
18. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way
19. Lack of scratchitti in subway car
20. Lack of graffiti in stations
21. Lack of graffiti in subway cars
Now here is the graded breakdown for all 21 categories; Their 2007 grade will be in ( ):
01. Minimal delays during trips C- (C-)
02. Reasonable wait times for trains C (C)
03. Adequate room on board at rush hour D- (D)
04. Sense of security in stations C (C)
05. Sense of security on trains C (C)
06. Working elevators and escalators in stations C (C)
07. Signs in stations that help riders find their way C+ (C+)
08. Signs in subway cars that help riders find their way C+ (C+)
09. Cleanliness of stations C- (C-)
10. Cleanliness of subway cars C (C)
11. Station announcements that are easy to hear D+ (D+)
12. Station announcements that are informative C- (D+)
13. Train announcements that are easy to hear C (C)
14. Train announcements that are informative C (C)
15. Lack of graffiti in stations C+ (B-)
16. Lack of graffiti in subway cars B- (B-)
17. Lack of scratchitti in subway cars C+ (C+)
18. Courtesy and helpfulness of station personnel C (C)
19. Comfortable temperature in subway cars C (C+)
20. Ease of use of subway turnstiles B- (B-)
21. Availability of MetroCard Vending Machines B- (B-)
For starters is anyone shocked by the overall grade earned? I am not really as I expected it to fall albeit to a D. Ignoring the disturbing lack of rider participation which I feel is the MTA’s fault, the line is in a no win situation. Many of the issues plaguing the line is the lack of ability to add more service to the Lexington Avenue corridor along with a lack of the Second Avenue Subway.
However lets look at it a little more. The first thing that caught my eye was the top 10 priorities, especially the first 3. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to tell there is a problem when the top 3 priorities are in the same exact order from 2007 & overall 9 of the 10 appear from last year’s list overall.
I feel that the issue of cleanliness must be looked into as it is alarming to see that priority rise 5 spots to earn a spot in the top 10. This is extremely concerning when the has a newer fleet of cars compared to most lines in the system. Although I do wonder if the priority jumped up 5 spots, how come its grade stayed the same from last year? I think it is safe to assume it would be lower.
I have not ridden the as much as I did in the past. Has anyone noticed an upswing in the amount of graffiti inside stations? I would think an upswing must have occurred for this priority to have the biggest grade shift. Lets hope this is not becoming a bigger issue than it already is. I respect people who choose to use graffiti as a form of art but only in proper locations where they are authorized & welcomed to do so. The subway system has & never will be such a place!
Overall I don’t know what the MTA can do to improve the . The most logical improvements are not ones that can just be implemented overnight or anytime soon for that matter. Unfortunately for
train riders, I expect more of the same for the next few years.
xoxo Transit Blogger
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