MTA To Distribute Express Bus Rider Report Cards
Earlier today, the MTA announced it will be distributing “Rider Report Cards” to riders who use the 36 NYC Transit Express Bus routes and 35 Express Bus routes operated by MTA Bus. Here are the complete details courtesy of a press release sent out today:
The Rider Report Card is again being distributed on city express buses to provide customers the chance to grade the ride they receive on the 36 NYC Transit Express Bus routes and 35 Express Bus routes operated by MTA Bus in the 2nd Rider Report Card survey.
Distribution of Express Bus Rider Report Cards began Monday, August 10, and will continue through Friday, August 14, 2009, during the morning rush periods, to the nearly 46,000 NYC Transit Express Bus riders and 40,000 MTA Express Bus riders throughout the five boroughs, announced MTA NYC Transit President Howard H. Roberts, Jr. and MTA Bus President Joseph Smith.
The Express Bus Rider Report Card will be in the same self-mailer format as the Subway Rider Report Card. Separate cards listing routes by borough will be distributed to riders via a seat drop. Riders will be asked to mark the route they ride, and then provide a letter grade (A through F) for each of the 20 different service attributes listed, as well as a grade for the overall performance of the route. Riders will be asked to grade such service attributes as “Reasonable wait times between buses,” “Seat availability,” “Smooth handling of bus,” “Courtesy of bus operators and dispatchers,” and “Reliability of wheelchair lifts.”
“We expect that Express Bus riders will be as forthcoming as they were in November 2007, when they rated overall express bus service a “C.” At that time, customers rated their top three priorities as “Reasonable Wait Times Between Buses,” Bus Operates According To Schedule,” and Seat Availability, ” and we hope we have been able to improve these areas, said NYC Transit President Howard H. Roberts, Jr. Over 10,000 customer responses were received in 2007.
Express Bus Rider Report Cards will be handed out in English, but riders may also complete the survey on the internet in English, Spanish or Chinese at through September 10, 2009.
xoxo Transit Blogger
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I take the 28exp bus everyday and for the past 2 weeks…I have been late to work every single day. I get to my bus stop at 7:15am and my bus comes at 7:40…this is unacceptable..many of the 28 bus riders are frustrated and very unhappy with the service. This morning a 27exp. Bus went right passed our bus stop and didn’t even stop..was it suppose to be a 28? There are never 27’s that ride along cropsey ave..I don’t wanna knock the bus drivers cause they are very respectful and nice…but getting me to work late everyday can but my job at risk..a solution is not for me to leave my home earlier the solution is to provide sufficient and fair bus service that arrives on time. Lately 3 38’s pass our bus stop for every 1 28exp. Bus…there has to be a way were a balance can be found..