Service Alerts

LIRR To Cancel 21 Trains For PM Rush

Due to the LIRR derailment yesterday, the agency has announced it will cancel 21 trains as part of the PM rush. Here are the complete details via press release: Following the Monday evening derailment of a Long Island Rail Road train in Amtrak’s East River tunnels, the LIRR is canceling 21 trains that normally originate […]

A Train Service To The Rockaways Restored

The A Train returns to the Rockaways 7 months after Hurricane Sandy. (Photo courtesy of the MTA.) Today marked an important day in the post Hurricane Sandy recovery as A train service was restored to thousands in the Rockaways. The damage left millions of dollars in damage & a loss of direct service for months. […]

Fastrack Coming To 4th Ave In Brooklyn

Starting this Monday, FASTRACK will be coming to the & along 4th Ave in Brooklyn. Here are details via the press release I received: On Monday, May 6, MTA New York City Transit brings FASTRACK to the N and R Fourth Avenue line in Brooklyn. N trains are rerouted via the D line in both […]

Fastrack Returns To Broadway

Starting this Monday & continuing until Friday, FASTRACK will be returning to Broadway which will effect service on the , & lines. Here are the complete details: On Monday, April 15, MTA New York City Transit brings FASTRACK back to the N, Q and R Broadway line. There will be no N, Q or R […]

Fastrack Returns To The Grand Concourse

Once again FASTRACK will be returning to the Grand Concourse next week which will alter service on the & . Here are the complete details via press release: On Monday, April 8, MTA New York City Transit brings FASTRACK back to the Bronx on the Grand Concourse D Line. D train service will be suspended […]