How Surprising, Promised Service Upgrades Get Shelved

In a move that will hardly surprise anyone, the MTA has officially shelved the service upgrades we were promised back in December as a reward for the fare hike that we were to endure. Daily News Transit Reporter Pete Donohue along with Kenneth Lovett has more on this: The cash-strapped will not launch a $60 […]

Elliot Might Get Even More

While browsing the Daily News website, I came across an article which shares even more details about the raise approved, by MTA Chairman Dale Hemmerdinger, for MTA CEO & Executive Director Elliot Sander. It turns out the $10,000 raise is only the tip of the iceberg as work deemed “exemplary” would earn Mr. Sander even […]

Raise Rage

On Tuesday, I blogged about MTA CEO & Executive Director Elliot Sander getting approved for a $10,000 increase to his total salary compensation package. Since then, bloggers, media, & transit advocates have expressed concern or outrage at the raise. Now the Daily News has joined in via their editorial section which had this piece titled […]

So That’s What Happened

Earlier today, I posted a service alert regarding train service. The reason stated in the service alert was a passenger “requiring medical assistance”.  Now details have come out as to what exactly happened. Here is the  story by Matthew Sweeney courtesy of AMNY: A man was pulled to safety after suffering a seizure and falling […]

Selfish Bastard

Should I be surprised about this story? (Matthew Sweeney;  AMNY): A man who jumped in front of a southbound E train in Manhattan Tuesday morning was passed over by the cars and then yelled at the conductor for not killing him. “He jumped. The train ran over him,” a police spokeswoman said. “He wasn’t injured […]