Transit News

Staten Island Railway To Expand Express Service

Catching up on some other transit news from the last 48 hours, the MTA issued a press release regarding the Staten Island Railway. The press release discusses the MTA’s plan to increase express service during the morning & evening rush hour periods. Here is the entire press release courtesy of the MTA: In response to […]

MTA Issues A Statement On TWU Situation

Shortly after the decision to deny the TWU Local 100 to regain their due checkoff power was announced, the MTA issued a brief press release. During the past months, the MTA and TWU Local 100 leadership have sought to establish a labor management climate which assures the public attentive, uninterrupted service. While we fully recognize […]

TWU Dealt A Crushing Defeat

Unfortunately the popcorn burned & the drinks were flat after State Supreme Court Justice Bruce Balter of Brooklyn ruled against the Transport Workers Union Local 100’s attempt to restore their due checkoff power. The judge said he would like to see the 48 executive-board members promise not to strike again before the union would be […]

Judge To Decide If The TWU Can Start To Recollect Union Dues

One of the signs worn by TWU Local 100 picketers during the 2005 transit strike. Resized photo courtesy of Eye On Transit Today is the big day as a judge will decide if the Transport Workers Union Local 100 better known as the TWU Local 100 can start to recollect their union dues better known […]

MTA Seeks Proposals For Their Alert System

Last month I wrote about the storm report the MTA submitted to Gov. Spitzer in regards to the August 8th system that sent the transit system into a state of mass chaos. In the report one of the solutions the MTA planned to implement was a service alert system that would provide e-mail and text […]