Transit News
Speaking Of Numbers…..
Monday’s edition of the New York Post featured an article about the two proposed fare hikes. The article had a catchy title which was “MTA WON’T TREAT ALL RIDERS FARE-LY.” The article broke down how the two tiered fare hike proposal would not be fair to all riders. However the biggest hit of the article […]
Hypocrite Politican Wants To Ban Alcohol Ads
This week’s “Hypocrite Of The Week” winner is none other than Brooklyn Assemblyman Felix Ortiz. Earlier this week the Sunset Park based democrat who is best known for authoring the nation’s first state law prohibiting the use of hand held cell phones while driving, announced his desire to see a law passed that would ban […]
Tell Us Something We Did Not Already Know…
There are more riders depending on the NYC subway to get around. Wow, who would have guessed? The captain obvious news comes from the American Public Transportation Association’s report that was released yesterday. According to the report, the NYC subway had the fifth highest jump amongst major subway & railroad systems throughout the U.S. The […]
LIRR Shows Improvement
According to a report released on Monday, the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) has shown improvement. The detailed report contains a 3 month evaluation which was lead by former Metro North Railroad boss Donald Nelson. The report stated that the system is in excellent shape. However not all the news was good! The report also states […]
Gov. Spitzer To Support The TWU
It seems the transit strike of 2005 did not cause ill will between Elliot Spitzer & the TWU. According to a labor leader familiar with his intentions, Gov. Spitzer plans on supporting the Transport Workers Union Local 100 if it chooses to reacquire their checkoff power. The planned support from Gov. Spitzer will most likely […]